
At Hoërskool Gerrit Maritz we have parallel-medium instruction in Grade 8 and 9, where we use only one language of learning and teaching in the classroom. In grade 10 to 12 we have dual-medium instruction where classes are taught in both Afrikaans and English.

The school is a combined school, because we offer academic subjects, like Mathematics, Life Science, Physical Science, Tourism, Geography, Consumer studies and Accounting. We also have Technical subjects like Civil Technology, Electrical – and Electronic Technology, as well as Automotive and Agricultural Technology. With these subjects we offer EGD and Technical Mathematics and Technical Science. We are the only school in the North who offers these fields.

The academic standard of the school is of high importance for us. We have open days when tertiary institutions come to our school to introduce themselves to the grade 11 and 12 learners.

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